Mapping Samples Chromatically over Multiple Pads.Synchronizing Envelopes to the Host Application.Moving and Copying Samples between Pads.Editing Selected Samples or All Samples.Modulating the Pitch of Beat Agent Samples.Editing Controllers on the Controller Lane.Entering, Editing, and Previewing Notes.
Playing Individual Patterns in Jam Mode. Converting Intros, Main Patterns, Fills, or Endings into MIDI Patterns. Playing Patterns Using the Transport Controls. Assigning MIDI Patterns or Styles to Pads. Assigning Multiple Trigger Notes to an Instrument Pad. Using an Alternative MIDI Trigger Note Mapping. Using Different MIDI Channels for Pattern Pads and Instrument Pads. Using the Pattern MIDI Port for Pattern Pads. Using Different MIDI Channels/Ports for Instrument Pads and Pattern Pads. Browsing For Tonal and Noise Samples Created with the Decompose Function. Loading MIDI Patterns or Styles in Your Host Application. Prelisten Section for MIDI Patterns and Styles. Assigning General MIDI Program Change Numbers to Sounds. Managing Files via the Kits, Instruments, Styles, and MIDI Pages. Changing the Distribution of the Tonal and the Noise Components of Samples. Combining Noise and Tonal Components of Different Samples.
Recording the Notes Created by Note Repeat.Creating and Using Note Repeat Variations.Adding a Second Agent to Fatten the Sound.Adding a Second Agent to Complement the First Agent.Recording Trigger Notes for Your Patterns.Creating the Different Sections of a Drum Track.Modifying MIDI Patterns in the Pattern Editor.Agents, Kits, Presets, and Content Files.Using the Instrument as Standalone Application.Using the Instrument in an AAX-Compatible Application.Using the Instrument in an AU-Compatible Application.