We talk video games, movies, TV, wrestling, comic books, music, anime, and all of your problematic faves. Leslie Lee III and Jack Allison wade into the reactionary hellhole of modern America. Follow NY Communities for Change to support disruptions at Pete Buttigeig and Joe Biden Wall Street fundraising events. - Support GITP and OOTS with Patreon - Why the Forum is Shut Down. Struggle Session is the worlds finest politics and pop culture podcast. Posting and podcast legends Jack Allison and Leslie Lee III join us to discuss Bloomberg, Lis Smith, and how “independent Democrats” (aka Republicans, but also whatever both parties uphold the neoliberal hegemony) use unlimited funds to buy elections, stop progressive legislation, and promote fascist police tactics all over the world. is if i struggle to understand what they say. If youd like to save a few bucks and pick up a couple perks, consider becoming a subscriber on Patreon Funland is a proud part of the Superculture Network, a collective of critical gaming coverage such as.
Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 55:55 I update the Patreon version every 1st and 16th of the month now and will. Struggle Session is the worlds finest politics and pop culture podcast. Struggle Sessions Leslie Lee III examines how, despite a world primed for a tale of technology and decay, Cyberpunk 2077 feels.